Functional Yarns


KFS FLARE (flame retardant yarn) production is achieved by adding the flame retardant monomer material to the polyester molecular structure during the polymerization.

Flame retardant feature which is attached to the yarn molecule structure shows long-lasting and high performance flame retardant properties in the fabrics produced from these yarns. It does not lose its flame retardant feature even after being used and washed many times. This feature can also be given to fabrics as a coating at the final stage of manufacture. However, this coating given in fabric manufacturing loses its first protective properties with use and washing.


KFS FLARE production High-performance flame retardant material using which has high test results and non-toxic phosphorus flame retardants. Produced in FDY, POY, DTY, ATY and Mono filaments.

Flame retardant yarns today the basis of new generation functional textiles and in the future.

Excellent Flame Retardant Performance: Good flame retardant effect, low smoke, no poison, and permanent flame retardant performance. Prevention of fire spreading by self-extinguishing feature

Permanently Flame Retardant Textiles : Permanent flame retardant material whose property does not change over time nor decline with frequent washing.

Environmentally Friendly : Flare FR textiles are environmentally friendly comparing to coating fabrics method. No water or chemical usage while production and when washed, fabrics do not release any finish that can harm the environment.

ASTM D2863 standard, U.S.A ,
NFPA 701: U.K.,
BS 5867 Part 2 (1993) Type B
BS 5852: 1979 Part 1: France,
NF P 92-503, NF P 92-504, NF P 92-505 standard tests for M1 certification.